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“By having him close and listening to him, it is more than perceptible that the sensitivity that surrounds him when sitting in front of the instrument does not come off him when he gets off the stage. And it is that it seems to be confusing but everything that surrounds him seems to float in a known and calm order. In it, a colorful naive background and an adult consciousness meet and understand each other, with charming results. And you see a lucid child playing a piano with innate maturity, and you see a happy adult playing the child " Marta Ramón, l'informatiu

"He has a musical restlessness only comparable to his talent, he has collaborated with some of the leading international jazz musicians in recent years and has already recorded several masterpieces in his name. Sanz seems to always guess what is going to happen around him, and paves the way with wonderful ideas " Gerardo, central cafe, 2012

"Talks Al Foster (Richmond, Virginia, 1944) of an impression that hurts and that explains why he said yes to the pianist Albert Sanz (Valencia, 1978) when he approached him and without further proposed a record." These young kids today have a lot of technique… they all know how to write music and have studied at conservatories, but when they start playing it's like a competition to see who's faster. ”He stops and exclaims:“ Damn! They're good, but They don't transmit anything! They don't tell a story! ”That day they met in a hotel in Valencia, Sanz gave him a demo with some songs and Foster listened to it. It seemed to him that this boy had a“ soul. ”And they ended up in a New York studio with double bass player Javier Colina recording O que sera " Mauricio Vicent, El Pais

As an accompanist "Sanz seems happy to inhabit the shadows, to provide others with the classiest support they could dream of: delicate comping, consummate punctuation, sinuous counter-melody" (Sebastian Scotney, Londonjazznews)

As a composer "he seems to revel in the unexpected. His tunes move in utterly delightful ways, with enough harmonic activity to challenge the improviser and attractive melodies to pull in the listeners"( all about jazz NY)

Albert Sanz (València 1978), pianista de jazz, compositor i cantant i compositor, és reconegut com un dels músics més originals i talentosos de la seva generació.

El seu so, lirisme, sentit del ritme e inventiva uneixen de manera natural tradició i originalitat, oferint al seus oients claror i bellesa.


Ha jugat un paper fonamental en obres com “En la imaginación” (de Silvia Perez Cruz i Javier Colina), “El paradís de les paraules” (De Carles Dénia ) o la seva pròpia “O que será” (amb Al Foster i Colina), on la seva interpretació de fortes tradicions musicals com les de Cuba, el Folklore Valencià i el Brasil prenen una visió refrescant i personal a través del filtre d'Albert.


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